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The Kindle is an amazing product which has simply put the book into the 21st century. If you love reading then you will love this product as it enhances life for anyone who enjoys letting their imagination loose and getting lost in the words of an author. It has been said to be a bit pricey but I believe the way in which the sleek design and simple navigation of the product more than makes up for it. You can forget about all those times when you were unable to get comfortable holding a book or you couldn't fit it in your bag as lightweight model of this Kindle enable it to be taken anywhere at any time and read in any position. All of this is great and it makes the products genius. But the most genius part about this 21st century book is that you can access any published book, in any place in the world, at any time of day without having physically move. All in all, amazing product, great gift and well worth the buy.

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